
Cinco de Mayo Family Fun

April 29, 2017

With Cinco de Mayo on Friday, I thought it would be a good time to make a one stop spot for you to get some fun ideas for to do with your family. I have created a board on my Pinterest page for you to check out! Lots of links to crafts and food ideas to do with your family Friday night.

Here are some fun facts about Cinco de Mayo you can share with your kids:

-Cinco de Mayo is a celebration of the Mexican victory over the French at the Battle of Puebla. This was on May 5, 1862. As they were celebrating, we were in the middle of the Civil War in the United States. This was a significant event in Mexican history because it gave them a sense of pride. They won this battle even though they were smaller and less equipped than the French.

-Mexico ended up losing the Franco-Mexican war even though they won this battle.

-Abraham Lincoln was sympathetic to the cause but could not lend support due to the Civil War our country was in the midst of.

-Cinco de Mayo became popular in the US in 1933 when President Roosevelt enacted the "Good Neighbor Policy".

-The largest Cinco de Mayo party in the world is held in Los Angeles, CA.

I hope you have learned something new and enjoy the celebration!