
Summer Water Play Fun

July 8, 2017

Summer is a great time for outdoor water play. With the warm weather and the kids wanting to play outside it's a great option to keep them cool while enjoying the sunshine. Here is a list of ideas for your outdoor water play.

1. Water table

2. Big container such as an under the bed storage container filled with water (we also use this as a sensory bin or for indoor play with snow)

3. Sprinkler

4. Water balloon fight

5. Slip and Slide (you can make a homemade one with a tarp and a hose)

6. Nerf Water Gun battle

7. Water splat balls

8. Painting with water on the sidewalk or driveway. Shape sponges are great for this.

9. Pretend laundry day. Bring out some wash cloths and doll clothes and let them "wash" them in a bowl of soapy water. Then use clothes pins and some yarn to make a clothesline to hang dry.

10. Baby pool (Use this with older children as a lake type area for toys. They can float boats made out of noodles and even bring bath toys out to play)

11. Water relay race with bucket, cups, and water

12. Make a toy car wash

13. Bring out the baby bath tub and let them wash their dolls

14. Water the plants

15. Water beads in a big bin

I hope these ideas give you some ways to get outside and stay cool. Happy playing!