
A Note From Michelle 2-11-23

February 11, 2023

Hi Everyone,

How are we about halfway through February already? Time has been flying. I hope you all enjoyed the weather this week. I made a point to get outside Wednesday through Friday and take walks at the park. It felt so good to be outside and feel the warmth from the sun. Although we are a bit away from spring, it was still a nice sneak peek.

Have any of you been hanging hearts up telling your children why you love them? We are almost to Valentine's Day so make these last few hearts count. Keep in mind, this is always a great activity to do anytime. Sometimes we see our kids need a boost and this would be the perfect way to encourage them.

February is also Black History Month. There are so many ways to celebrate and educate ourselves in Black History. This week, we have an article with some great book selections and there are lots of events on the calendar as well. Be sure to check them out.

I'm sure many of you will be watching the game tomorrow. I personally can't wait to watch the commercials. Enjoy the time with family and friends and all the delicious food!

Have a great week!