
A Note From Michelle 6-22-24

June 22, 2024

Hi Everyone,

Happy Summer! Now that it is officially summertime, have you asked your kids what is on their bucket list? We have had such a busy start to summer that I have not had a chance to ask mine, but hopefully we can make them this week and start crossing some items off. 

It's been a hot start to the summer so this week we put together a list of things to keep your kids busy while staying cool. Be sure to check it out.

I may be late to the game, but I started hearing a lot about yellow watermelon this week. Since I enjoy watermelon as a perfect summer treat, I decided I needed to see what this was all about. My kids and I picked one up yesterday and tried it. I have to say it was delicious. This week, take your kid's to a local farmers market/stand or grocery store and pick up a new fruit to try. There are so many to choose from and you might find a new family favorite!

Our Event Calendar is filling up with so many fun activities. Please check it out regularly as we are always updating the family fun.

Have a great week!