
A Note From Michelle 6-29-24

June 29, 2024

Hi Everyone,

June has flown by as we usher in July. Happy 4th of July! Be sure to check out our newsletter for all of the 4th of July events in and around town this week. Stay safe and enjoy the time with your families.

We have an exciting giveaway to check out this week. Be sure to enter and share with your friends. Our Event Calendar is filling up. There are so many family friendly outdoor events to take advantage of this summer. Let us know which ones are your favorite. We would love to hear from you!

Local businesses, as much as we are just starting our summer, it's time to think about our Back to School Guide. Keep your eyes out on your email for more information or email me at if you would like to learn more about how you can be a part of our Back to School Guide this year. 

Parents, it's not to late to sign up for one of the Summer Reading programs offered this summer. Keep your kids reading while they earn fun prizes. It's so important to prevent that summer slide.

Have a wonderful week!