
A Note From Michelle 7-13-24

July 13, 2024

Hi Everyone,

I don't know about you, but I'm ready for a little break in the heat wave. I would love for the humidity and temperature to go down a bit so we can enjoy being outside a bit more without it being so unbearable. I hope many of you have been taking advantage of pools in our area and staying cool.

Now that we are mid way through July, it's a good time to check in to see how your kids are doing with their summer reading. Did they sign up for the summer reading challenge through the library or another business that was on our list earlier this summer? It's not too late and it's a great way to prevent that summer slide we have all heard about. We just took a trip to the library this week and I'll admit I left with quite the big stack to tackle. So far this summer, I haven't taken much time to read so I am ready to step it up. I find it to be a great form of relaxation. 

Local businesses, it's time to sign up to be a part of our 2024 Back to School Guide. Email before July 20th to secure your spot in this great resource for our families.

Have a great week and stay cool!