
A Note From Michelle 3-22-25

March 19, 2025

Hi Everyone,

Happy Spring! It was so nice to feel some beautiful spring weather this week. It's always refreshing to breathe in the fresh air. 

This week I am once again without a washing machine. This is week 2 and it won't be repaired until next week. With kids who have been sick and just normal family laundry, the pile has been mounting. My Dad was kind enough to offer his washer so I loaded up the car (and I mean fully loaded up the car) with all the dirty laundry. I cannot believe how much laundry we accumulate when I'm not doing loads throughout the week. Thankful for the ability to work remotely, I was able to spend the day working and doing laundry to at least put a dent in the pile. With the warm shine and light breeze, I was even able to hang dry a bunch of things and they dried faster than expected. That was an added bonus! I am keeping my fingers crossed that it will be fully repaired this week. I am ever so grateful to have a washing machine and cannot wait until it is back up and running.

With all the modern conveniences of life, it had me thinking about the two appliances that our family truly relies on. My top 2 are the washing machine and the dishwasher. Both of these are huge time savers and keep me sane! We have had both of these down for repairs over the years and these are definitely game changers in our daily life. I'm grateful for all of those people who worked hard to invent these appliances! We tend to take our modern conveniences for granted and this was definitely a reminder of how lucky we are.

Hopefully by this time next week, I'll be back up and running with a fully functional household and healthy family!

Have a great week!