

Clarksville, MD 21029
Phone: 443-620-3990
Business Hours: M-F, 11:00-7:00 p.m.Email: contact.mapwisdom@gmail.comWebsite: Visit Website

Marriage and committed partnership are hairy business. Add kids, and it gets even harrier. MAPWisdom collaborates with parents to cultivate understandings and practices that foster better relationships with both kids and partners. Utilizing a Positive Discipline framework, but also drawing upon other evidenced-based practices, MAPWisdom helps parents strengthen emotional and relational practices to improve their family life. Parenting is hard. Real hard. Marriage and committed relationship can be tougher. Supporting your partnership can help you parent better. Strengthening your parenting skills can help your marriage or partnership. Whether you are sailing through these years relatively unscathed or you and your partner are sparring over every new developmental stage of your kid’s life, MAPWisdom can help. Whether through private consultation, coaching sessions and parenting & couple education, MAPWisdom offers affordable, accessible and effective support to assist you in your parenting and partnering journey. MAPWisdom’s parent education programs are either low cost or free and include weekly online, drop-in parent or couple chat groups; hour-long introductory classes; and six-week online parent or couple classes. MAPWisdom can also help strengthen co-parenting practices. Strong, healthy emotional ties are an important piece of supporting kids’ growth and development ~ as well as your partnership ~ for the long haul. Yet, raising little ones to young adulthood taps into all of our fragility as human beings. The endless labor of childrearing and the taxing physical and emotional demands, not to mention the financial demands, exhaust our internal resources and our partnerships as well. Developing the skills we need to weather these intensities and to create healthier connections and teamwork takes support, time and training. MAPWisdom is here to help. Raising kids involves navigating some really tricky territory, including things like: •coming to better understand your triggers when dealing with your children •learning to separate your own desires, goals and needs from those of your child •learning to share decision-making power with your kids over time •noticing when you are checking-out, gaining a better understanding of the reasons for it and learning how to self-soothe or regulate your own emotional well-being •ditto the above regarding potentially neglectful and/or abusive behaviors while recognizing your need to get help Through parent education programs and individual consultation or coaching, MAPWisdom can help you to better monitor your reactions and behaviors in the moment in response to your kids and partner. Additionally, in parenting and marriage/partnership, being able to understand the perspective of your children and of your partner is essential to building strong family bonds. Four key social-emotional abilities that help strengthen your relationships include, for instance: (1) learning to listen, (2) seeing an issue, problem, or feeling from another’s perspective, (3) validating the other’s feelings regarding the matter, (4) and empathizing with their feelings about it. Through MAPWisdom’s weekly chat groups and group classes, parents tackle issues like these and incorporate new understandings about themselves, their kids, and their partner. Visit to learn more about how these services can assist you in this amazing journey!